Category: Attachment

  • Investing in The Labor of Care: Guaranteed Basic Income as Climate Resilience

    Originally posted in the Climate Psychology Alliance – North America blog I am an Infant-Family Mental Health Specialist. I am captivated by the extraordinary potential, and the profound vulnerability, that marks the beginning of each life. I have been a homebirth midwife, doula, residential counselor, case manager, parent educator, and therapist. I have experimented with…

  • A Story of Dani: Making Meaning Together

    The human brain, born so immature, is shaped by the environment in which it develops. Our earliest experiences matter. Yet it is not the actual experiences that define our unfolding sense of self; it is the meaning that we make of them (Hornstein). If we were securely attached as children, by adulthood we have developed…

  • Thoughts on Attachment Parenting

    As a follow up to my previous article, I want to add my voice to the great internet Attachment Parenting debate. Attachment Parenting (AP) is a parenting style popularized in the 1990s by Dr. William Sears. I was drawn to AP long before I became a mother, for much the same reasons it has taken…

  • Attachment in America

    Note: “attachment” in this article refers to attachment theory, not the Attachment Parenting style. By four months old, “the baby begins to tell people apart and lets them know who she prefers. With those closest to her… patterns of mutual interaction meet her need for intimacy. She is falling in love. Strong emotional ties form…